Saturday, August 27, 2022

Manuscript Formatting Requirements

JHSR Manuscript Formatting Requirements

File format and size

Microsoft Word DOC or DOCX format. Maximum file size – 20MB. Documents should not be locked or protected


Between 7 and 20 pages, formatted according requirements. Please present and discuss your findings concisely.


Please write your text in good English. Make sure your manuscript has been spell and grammar checked prior to submission. English copyeditor can not write for you the article.


Times New Roman, 12pt, Regular. Please don’t use the font named “Symbol”, instead use the Insert → Symbol function in your word processor.

Layout and spacing Paper size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
Orientation: Portrait
Margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right): 2,5 cm each
Text Alignment: Justifed
Line spacing: Single
Spacing Before: 6 pt
Spacing After: 0 pt

Do not insert header, footer, or page numbers. Do not format the text in multiple columns. Do not indent paragraphs. Blank lines should be left only if necessary. Do not use multiple spaces.

Content organization

The following documents are required, in order: JHRS cover page is separate Word document consists of: (Title, Authors, Affiliations, Corresponding Address, Type of paper, key words, Conflict of interests).
Main Text is another Word document consists of: Title, Abstract and key words (1st page).
Beginning section: Introduction, aim of the article
Middle section: Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
Editing section: the following elements are required, in order: Acknowledgments, References, Appendix(es) if applicable.


Title should be specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the field. Written in upper case, bold letters and centered. Limited to 250 characters.

Author list

All parties who made a substantive contribution to the article should be listed as authors. Please write author names in the following order – first name, middle name (or initials), last name (family name, surname). Each author must have affiliation. The affiliation includes: department, faculty, university, or organizational affiliation and its location, including city, state/province (if applicable), and country. Do not list academic ranks or titles (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs., etc.), nor personal addresses. Authors are expected to consider carefully the list and the order of authors before the submitting their manuscript and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of original submission.


The Abstract should be structured (please see link at our web site). It should describe the main objectives of the study, explain how the study was done and summarize most important results and their significance. The abstract should not exceed 250 words or should not include citations.


The keywords list follows the abstract with the bold run-in heading “Keywords”: introducing the list. The list should be presented horizontally and should include 3-8 keywords or key phrases that reflect the content of the manuscript. The keywords or key phrases should be separated by commas. Only proper nouns and proper adjectives should be capitalized.


Headings are written in upper case, bold letters after a blank line. Sub-headings are written in sentence case, bold letters. They are numbered using Arabic numbers (1., 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1,…2., 2.1…). Limit manuscript sections and sub-sections to 3 heading levels.


Tables should be located at appropriate points in the text, between paragraphs, not within them. Leave one single-spaced blank line before and after a table. All tables should have table numbers and titles and should be referred to by table number in the text. A table’s number and title should be placed above and outside the table. Tables should be constructed through the use of the Tables function in Microsoft Word and should not be embedded images or objects. They should not contain unnecessary spaces or hard returns. Indentation, if included, should be achieved by setting appropriate margins, not by adding spaces. Tables which are too long or too wide for a single page may be typed in a smaller font size or continued on the next page. Tables should follow APA criteria for creating tables (see more at our web site).


Figures which include graphs, charts, maps, drawings, and photographs, should have a material impact on the content of the article and should not be used for decorative purposes. In general, not more than 10 figures should be used in an article. Figures should be located at appropriate points in the text, between paragraphs, not within them. Leave one single-spaced blank line before and after a figure. All figures should have figure numbers and titles and should be referred to by figure number in the text. A figure’s number and title should be placed bellow and outside the figure. Figures must be high quality and should fit on one page.


Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text. Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. Keep abbreviations on the minimum.


Footnotes are not permitted. If your manuscript contains footnotes, move the information into the main text or the reference list, depending on the content.


List acknowledgments and funding sources; all abbreviations should be spelled out. Authors should obtain permission from all listed individuals, because readers may infer their endorsement of data and conclusions. Dedications are rarely allowed.

Conflict of interest

All authors must disclosed any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influenced (bias) their work.


References are listed at the end of the manuscript. Reference style – APA. For every in-text citation in your paper, there must be a corresponding entry in your reference list. APA in-text citation style uses the author's last name and the year of publication, for example: (Johnson, 2018). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Johnson, 2018, p. 13). Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list and (vice versa). Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text.


Any appendixes that are necessary follow the reference section. The heading for each appendix should include a label identifying it as an appendix and a title. If only one appendix exists, the label should be Appendix; if multiple appendixes exist, the label should include capital letters (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B). The label and the title should be on separate lines and should be sentence case, bold, and centered.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Submitting an Article

Dear authors,

You can find guidelines hot to submit your article in JHRS journal HERE. Thank you for your interest in JHRS.

JHRS Editor-in-chief

Monday, August 15, 2022

Call for papers Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2022

Respected colleagues,

We want to announce that Alma Mater Europaea University – ECM and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism launched new journal entitled: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS). JHRS is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, scholarly, international, electronic journal. The following articles will be considered for publication: original and review articles, short report, letters to the editor, clinical experiences, survey of cases, doctoral dissertations, master of arts, editorials, rapid communications and other contributions from all the fields of health sciences, rehabilitation sciences, developmental diversities, special education, psychology, social policy, and the related sciences. The aim of the journal is to share and disseminate knowledge between all disciplines that work in the field of developmental diversities. All articles will be critically reviewed by at least two unknown reviewers within 2 months, but longer delays are sometimes unavoidable. All manuscripts must comply with Authors Instructions. There will be around 20 articles published per year. JHRS allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences is devoted to the scientific study of health disturbances and rehabilitation. The subject matter is broad and includes, but is not restricted to, findings from health, psychological, biological, educational, genetic, medical, psychiatric, and sociological studies, ethical, philosophical, and legal contributions that increase knowledge on the prevention and treatment of disability, and/or inform public policy and practice.

You are kindly invited to submit an article in our Journal. Please type them in Word format. Please use Times New Roman font with Font size 12. The manuscript can not exceed 30.000 characters with no spaces A4 format including Abstract, Tables, Figures, and References. The margins should be 2 cm from every side, and also paragraph should be 1.5 lines. The style of referencing is from APA.

The dead line for sending the manuscripts is October 31st 2022.

With respect,
JHRS Editor-in-Chief

New journal has been established - JHRS on August 1st 2022

Dear readers,

Due to the lack of scientific publications in the area of health and rehabilitation sciences in Europe, especially in Central and Southeastern Europe we decide to establish new Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. The journal will fill the gap, inspire scientists to exchange knowledge and experience and contribute to the development of science and the profession, due to the increase in scientific connection. With this we will increase the awareness about health care, rehabilitation processes especially for people with disabilities. Our interest is to create a journal at the highest scientific level, which is why we look forward to the cooperation of research and academic institutions in these areas. The aim of the journal is to share and disseminate knowledge between all disciplines that work in the field of developmental diversities.

Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS) is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, scholarly, international, electronic journal established by the Alma Mater Europaea University - ECM from Slovenia. Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism is a co-publisher. The following articles will be considered for publication: original and review articles, short report, letters to the editor, clinical experiences, survey of cases, doctoral dissertations, master of arts, editorials, rapid communications and other contributions from all the fields of health sciences, rehabilitation sciences, disability studies, special education, psychology, social policy, and other related sciences.

JHRS editor-in-chief

Dravet Syndrome – Clinical and Developmental Characteristics: A Case Report

Aleksandra Đurić-Zdravković University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation ...