Paediatrician medical geneticist, Medical Geneticist, Paediatrics Clinic, UHC Split, Croatia
Aim: To show the importance of how important are in the genetic counselling process of spontaneous abortions, including careful and detailed analyses of anamnestic data and drawing a family tree.
Methods: We included 451 couples with normal karyotypes and treated in the Genetic Counseling Unit due to one or more unsuccessful pregnancies from 1985 to 2010.
Results: Second-generation relatives of both partners had two times higher number of SA than the general popu-lation. Almost one third of participans (men and women) were historically exposed to some harmful agent. The "motherhood age effect" is not present, male partners in the group with 3 spontaneous abortions (SA) were older. Both men and women had previous urinary and/or genital infections more often than in the general population. There was no significant correlation between occupation and SA and the frequency of urogenital infections with the type of occupation. Women were affected by computer work or exposure to food and chemicals, while men mostly by heat and cold exposure. Harmful habits predominant in women was smoking and alcohol by men.
Conclusion: The research showed how much important information could be obtained for further investigation of the causes of a complex multifactorial process such as recurrent spontaneous abortions.
Keywords: anamnestic data, spontaneous abortions (SA), repeted spontaneous abortions RSA, pregnancy loss (RPL), genetic counseling
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