Thursday, June 22, 2023


Dear JHRS authors and readers,

I want to inform you that we released the newest Issue 1, Volume 2 at June 11th and you can find it here The dead line for submission for the next issue is June 30th. I want to stress your attention on the importance of social media in scientific publishing. There are some scientific articles which show that papers which are shared, mentioned, linked on social media such us: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Mendeley, Research Gate, and others are more cited papers than those which are not. I hope all of you have at least one profile on these social media. I would like to ask you to do that with your papers published previously in our Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. On the right menu of our web site you can find social media buttons and you can do that very easily. You should go to some article which is your favorite and then share it or link it. It will take you less than one minute.

With this, you will increase the visibility of JHRS papers and possibility to be cited by other authors. Also the journal will increase its visibility and international impact in the field of health and rehabilitation sciences. 

JHRS Editor-in-chief

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